Saturday, June 12, 2010

25th and 26th Day

Otw to paris and Paris the city of light..

The point of the tajuk is sebab nak tulis 2 hari..the 1st day just crite our journey to paris and the 2nd day is the journey AT paris sbb cm bese la journey..x buat ape sgt so..baik just summarise a little bit..and sebab ngah tulis tgh would be easier like this..haha..ok kan.. =)

Anyway..the journey to paris took us..from 10am to 11pm..yeah..lame giler..the time we were expected to arrive was 9pm but encountered a bit of problem..but that i will tell later on of my story ney..haha..mase kami berlepas..we stop to a nearby bese asyik lupe name jer..adey..sry guys..i try remember it better next time..if there is a next time..kat lake neyh..the view is nice..air dia..x mcm lake kat malaysia la..somehow dia warna biru..lawa jer..mcm dlm movie lah..x mcm tasik titiwangsa yer.. semacam jer colour dyer..hehe..(kutuk negara sendiri plak) tp mmg lawa..just ambik ckit picture jer..and then ade group photo..haha..kalo ade nnt akan diupload..=)..

Off to Campsite at Paris..but theres a problem..ntah cmne la..tyme nie la..air cond nak rosakkan adey..we made a few stop to repair it..and because to cool off ..i mean dlm bas panas kene kluar ar..last2 skali..bus driver stop at one place and manually stop the ley rase lg dr heater..diorg bese off aicond kat europe neyh..sbb sejukkan la..but akhirnye the problem settel and sampai la kami di campsite paris at 11pm..campsite neyh they say paling x paling besar..bkan ape just tandas sini not nice n ntah la..air panas kadang2 panas gler..kadang2 air sejuk jer..haha..mcm2 la..mlm tu x makan..sbb penat sgt..just tido je after siap khemah n len2..hehe..thats it for the 1st day at paris..


Ok at paris..kami bertolak to see paris the city of light about 10am..kali nie Mr Craig the bus driver..took us for an hour tour of paris..dia tunjuk la kehebatan dia driving kan..ade entrance musee de luve tu..its about 2.6m width and the bus is 2.55m in width..dia pn tunjuk hebat la..waa..lepas..haha..every1 gave him a clap..hehe..after dia da tunjuk smua tmpt..dia bawak kami ke Eiffel tower the drop off utk kami gi site btol2 dkt Eiffel cnie kalo nak naik kene book on9...otherwise u have to queue up..and bratur dia..pergh..line panjang berbelit2 so..digalakkan book on9 yer..kwn2..lagi 1 kalo nk ambik gmber eiffel towe..bkan kat cnie..sbb its big kowt..mane muat tourist slalu gi tacadero just dekat ngan eiffel tu..from there nmpk la besi buruk eiffel tu kan in full view..haha..but i like the design wlpn mmg besi buruk but..lawa la..mcm dow..a funny thing here is..Mr Craig is from England rite..and this is France yeah..rivalry..Mr craig x abih kutuk2 france neyh..same goes to france x suke englishmen..haha..mcm2..

Next stop is Arc de triom..ntah btol ke x eje..i spell just like it sound haha..Kat sini merupakan round-about paling besar kat europe contains about..i think..berbelas exits gak la..lupe plak brape..tmpt nie agak bahaya the French are bad driver haha..kat round-about nie..smua men redah jer..keh3..our next stop from here is Anvers..tmpt nie byk kedai la jap..kat sini jugak merupakan free Market byk they la ape yg patut..lps da habih makan sume..we went to Notredam..tmpt Quasimodo the HunchBack of rupenye..baru taw..ambik2 gambar pastu chow..hehe..lps tu kami pegi Mosque de Paris..yes..lame x jmpe masjid..hu3..solat la kat situ..sampai kat situ ade gak org ngah..wat zikir..yg ribat ayah slalu buat tuh..penah dgr ape diorg bace tuh..lebyh kurang la..ade Pakcik nie..yg ikot Convoy nie la..ntah la...dia..xtaw pe kate syiah jer..ermm..papela..pakcik2..

Lepas abih solat sume..kami gi musee de Luve..hajat nak tgk Puan Monalisa x dpt la..haha..sbb ade river Cruise jap really2 rushing ar..just ambik2 gambar kat luat Pyramid shape museum tu..and merupakan tmpt berlakon Davinci that off we go nak gi River cruise tu..rushing gler gak la takowt lmbt..but sampai la on time..fuh..tmpt river cruise neyh same dgn tmpt parking bas tu..dekat ngan eiffel kan..da sampai and have a few minit to souvenir time..kat sini u can get..price gler if u really haggle..umar siap gado2 ngan negro neyh..dia nak jual 5 for 1euro..but umar insist gak 7 for 1euro..xnak gak tu..after da lame2..ade member dia da start jual 7 for 1euro..dia pn da give up..haha..terpakse la dia jual..and ramai la kami2 membeli..haha..dia pn agak piss off kowt..jual da x ikhlas da..haha..muke with it bro..x)

Next is the River nie 1 hour la..if u take the night one mmg cantik..Paris is known as the city of light..mmg bandar niey pnuh lampu pn..merate2..what we are expecting form this cruise is for the eiffel tower to berkelip2..waktu malam..eiffel tower nie akan bercahaya..and every hour..the eiffel tower akan berkelip2 for 10minits..bila da nak abih river cruise tu..ingat x dpt tgk..i mean summer pn..malam dia maw pukul 9-10..but..smpt gak la tgk berkelip...umar pn agak amaze la dpt tgk..mmg lawa somehow..sronok tgk dia berkelip..mase dia berkelip tu smua tepuk tgk jerit2..suke la mmg cantik...river cruise tu bosan gak the Eiffel tower buat jd best plak an..haha..Pastu mlm tu nk bali..round jap paris..nmpk la paris yg bercahaya neyh..and then to the campsite..da siap masak..makan..solat..tido..haha..later..x)
