Saturday, June 12, 2010

20th Day

The home of the naked people..

Today we are going to Rome..but before that..otw gi rome tu...theres a place called Florence, tmpt Mr Michael Angelo..the famous sculpture that sculp David..and other famous statues..makin lame dlm itali seryes makin do you know?tgk iman..dia da start jalan slow2..kah3..kat sini ntah la..iman kate dia x minat statues kan..but..ntah la..dia slalu yg lebyh2..tgk2 kat sini slow smacam jer haha..

Anyway..kat sini well..xde pape..accept the works of Michael Angelo himself..tgk la the famous naked statue David nie..haha..iman the shy2 cat plak kah3..nak cite patung David nie..dia tu di ukir mengikut rupe bentuk nabi they say..(bullsh*t)..haha..anyway cnie just lot of patung la..nothing much..u can see the architecture as well..mmg diorg preserve the history around here..kalo tgk Church kat cnie smua kepale kubah..tour manger citer ar..kite ambik architecture of the dome shaped masjid from diorg ar..haha..mmg sebijik ar..kalo awal2 mesti koragn ingat masjid la..but..tgk atas ckit lagi..owh ade cross..zzz..gereje la tu..haha..

er..xtaw ape la nak cite..jap..oh yeah..itali ade byk leather item..adoi..i forgot to buy father some leather goods..argh..sory..tapi mmg the whole jalan..penuh dgn letaher good..ranging from dompets, tali pinggang and to handbag..Woo..mmg org kat itali mmg dok beli mende nie at Florence for about 2-3hours..tapi kite gi tunggu bas awal lagi ar..sbb satu panas and x larat giler kowt..haha..lepak2 la ngan makcik2..haha..pastu En Khairul dtg ngan makanan2 utk kami ..lepak2 borak2 skali..heheh..

Anyway nothing much la for todays update..I'll update the pictures of the naked statue..haha..jap2..nak cite gak..kat itali byk pengemis n penipu n pickpocket.jage2 la ur stuff to elok2..because ade cite syok on the next update..later guys..


1 comment:

  1. Oh man. I'm so jealous that you got to go to Rome. I would absolutely love to go there. And Florence too! Seriously, so cool. How did you earn enough money to go? I've been thinking about getting a job selling pest control services this summer. I've heard that you can make a lot of money doing that and it would be a perfect way to save for my Europe trip! What do you think?
