The Highlight of Euro Trip.. last..switzerland..the land of hope..the land of dream..the land of diving..water rafting..bungee army knife swiss made watch snowing..viewing...and watever u can think off..tmpt nie..merupakan tmpt yg plg umar nak pegi..haha..the place..kalo xde dlm list..mmg x teringin sgt la nk thx tu tmpt neyh..mmg sronok la..gembira je that day..sry la terexcited sgt..x sabar2 nk tgk snow to the adventure yup..xD..
Okay first of all..nak naik swiss ney..kene bayar..dia ade a few packages available..from 10 euro to 100euro..but kat cnie kene pakai swiss Franc umar tulis just in term of euro..sbb malas la nak convert2..kami ambik yg 100euro to go up the highest top of walk to train station and naik train tu..which took at least 1.5 hours..but otw..mmg scenery lawa..mmg lawa mountain dia yg berlapisan tu..fuh..terkagum plak an..tpi ambik cantik la..we stop to change train at ape name stesen tu..and then off we go to the top..
Kat atas nie name dia Jungfrau top of at the top of europe..1st of all kami pergi is outside to touch the snow kah3 and test sejuk ke x..i mean mase nk gi sane lalu gua..kat dlm gua lagi sejuk dr luar..kat luar tu it wasnt that windy and mmg ade cahaya matahari la..tyme tu dia clear lg..kami just check2 the snow..baling2 kat iman jap..nmpk la a few activities to do..snow boarding..skiing..sledging..ade duduk atas mangkuk ..ape mende la tuh..and ade flying fox gak..but itu later on la...
And then we went to the sphinx..sphinx nie kene naik elevator..dia tmpt yg plg tinggi kat sini..but..actually is the highest reachable with the train..nak tinggi lagi kene hike la..but it was ok..because tyme tu kitorang laju xde la cloudy was so clear..we can see a few hikers..hiking to the top of the it was that clear..but..xde pape la..ambik2 gambar tu je la..lawa2..ade satu belah nie angin dia kuat ckit..saje nk test la..pastu turun balik pegi ice cave dia..dlm ice cave nieh just byk sculpture of ice la..a bit slippery but it was okay i guess..x minat sgt dlm tu..just a quick tour and then..kluar balik tmpt skiing tuh..
Wahah..hidup nie kene of my cita2..nak men snow and snowboard..kah3..tercapai gak arinie..diorg ade sewa snowboarding..35swiss franc utk 1 whole day..which i took..iman maen sledge..giler ar..umar sorang je kowt kat situ men snowboard len2 sume men sledge jer..but..sbb nak experience tu..try gak wlpn xde orang ajar..the guide just ajar kiri..kanan..stop...tu je la..haha..the first 3 tries was a disaster..Jatuh berbagai2 care..berguling kedepan..sideways...mmg ouch..but after that..getting better..falling the right way..which doesnt hurt..and skiing without falling..dpt la a few times..haha..but nak pro dlm sehari..susah la..pastu ade gak men ngan iman the dpt la merase kalo nak adrenaline..main la snowboarding..mmg laju..kene pandai control dpt experience...yg puast ati..kitorang abih main 4.30pm..where..kedai pn da tutup..and then..mase nak balik..miss the 2nd last had to take the last train at jap..and then board train..spenajang train tido gak lak..tired giler kowt..but had really fun..
sampai2..da x larat pn..makan..mandi..solat..and of the happiest day of my life..and sakit gler..haha..satu badan sakit maen bende tu..adoy2..but maybe once in a lifetime pn mende la x try..kalo ley pegi lagi xpela..nie sbb x pegi lagi tu yg mesti try kan..haha..thats all from me..x)
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