Off to London
Ok since this day is quite short because we are cathcing the plane to Stansted, London. im going to combine the 2 days(Saje nk buat blog panajng ckit)..and also sebab kita arrive at London about the next day. So it is fair that saye akan gabung 2 hari tu.Enjoy..=)
okay..On the day of the flight.haritu la kami basuh and dry-kan baju tu pakai dryer..nseb bek flight at we got a lot of time..we got out of wani's house at 4pm..took a bus to eyre square and at 5.00pm we took a bus to Shanon airpot.There we awaited oure flight.
After da fly..we arrive at about 11.45pm..haha..what amaze me xde immigresen..theres a passage saying that all flight from dublin and shannon follow the blue just IMMIGRESEN..haha..lega..dah la tyme tu panjan line immigresen..Alhamdulilah..=)..We were so earlly bag2 blom kuar lg ..x)..We went to wait for the bus ..we were taking the 12.40am easybus..and..a conflict starts here..what happen? jeng3..
well ade bus yg suppose dtg pukul 12.20am but didnt show up..bus system kat sini..dia ade driver that is responsible for their own 12.40am bus came first(our bus) he says it is our bus..naik je la..sure la yg orang bus 12.20am marah kan..but the driver was quite strict..smooth je dia kate only 12.40am bus and i will tell what the others should do..I mean..Alhamdulillah jugak la book 12.40am bus..ade la a few guys mengamuk and gaduh mulut ngan bus driver kitorang..driver dgn firm stand..tak cuak lgsg..ingat nak bertumbuk takdela.. our driver call up the office n tanye mane diorg nye bus..rosak kowt..dia nye bos kate "i'll have a chat with him later"..Mmg he held that amanah for the 12.40am passenger..respect gak plak tuh..ingat da nk kene tumbuk..tabik spring we go to Baker Street
Sampai kat baker's street about 1.30am..adey..nseb bek ade street lamp xde la gelap..tgk xde taxi tunggu..da cuak gak ar but situ mmg byk teksi lalu lalang so..lege r..dpt hold one taxi and ask him to take us to our hotel..The Berjaya Eden Park Hotel..Setel registration..fuhh..lege..The room was ok..Not that big..but just nice for the two of us..
after that..enough action for 1 night..(yawn)....ngantuk...its about 2am man.. off we go ZZZzzzZ..Nyte..
A New Day
(yawn)....Morning..adey..pening plak pale bgn pagi..ingat sbb x cukup tido or something..but ntah la..pas mandi bekfest xde plak..Hari ni kami menjelajah London..1st kami cari MSD,Malaysian Student Deparment(haha..bru taw) and Taza the place said to be Kebab yg halal dan sedap..mula2 kami jln2 x tentu arah..masuk kedai beli oyster Card dulu..ade oyster card..sng citer..nk nek tren bas tram..xde masalah sng je nk jln..kami beli Oyster card smpi zone 3..after that jalan2 lg..lupe plak henset ade map..tgk jap..Owh dekat je ngan hotel..kah3..pusing2 jauh2 padahal dekat jer..da taw tmpt..ingt nk chek out restaurant tp..ntah la..kate open gate tutup..(x paham btol)..and then jumpe tmpt kebab tu..x makan la..just nak cari je pn..and then of we go to Marble Arch tmpt nk tunggu Kelana Convoy for euro trip tu..Kami naik la tube..(ala2 LRT Malaysia)..da smpi ambik gmbar kat Marble Arch tu dulu and then Cari Speakers' Corner..Nie tmpt org slalu luah prasaan ckp la ape2 diorg arinie xde pape..slalu weekend speaker's corner is dekat dgn the Park..Oh yeah forgot nk bgtaw..Bapak panas that org2 nie suke..penuh je kat park..lepak2..tido..tanning..playing around..picnic..pantang dpt cahaya matahari mmg penuh..kat Malaysia..panas masuk rumah dow..xde nk lepak kat luar kan..I dont like hot weather..kah3..pi Luar Negara mmg dok expect sejuk jer..kalo bley nk Winter jer..xD..
Lepas da jmpe smua tmpt yg perlu..kami pergi la South Kensington..where all the museum are..such as..Science museum,Museum of Natural History and V&N Museum(whatever this is)..
but the one im interested in is the Museum of natural History..masuk that place..lalu security dulu..waa..pandai dia berbahasa..ntah la dr mane pk guard nie dtg..but..ok la..ape khabar..?blajar ataw melawat..?haha..well i said..No..i dont have any knife in there..x)..Masuk museum tu..Waa.....Dinosaur..pergh..da lame mengidam nk tgk..dpt gak..oOO..jakun gak la dia nye museum form Dinosaur to everything la..terpikir gak..ape la science museum nk tunjuk nnt..haha..The interesting is..dah la Free interesting plak tuh..interactive..simple..and mmg Wow la..mane x puas atie la pegi situ..mcm Malaysia..da la kene bayar(kan?)..and sry to say..x best la..mmg xkan ramai la museum neyh mcm petrosains kowt..bayangkan Free petrosains tp lg best..kan puas atie..dlm 2-3 jam la dlm tuh..besar penat owh..
At last we got out..We went to see Albert Hall..erm..yeah watever..xde pape pn..unless u got a ticket to a show there..then..of we go..back to bayswater..(tmpt kami duduk)dekat situ byk gak la kedai halal so..makan mmg xde je la kat tmpt2 yg halal tu ye..=)..kami ade gak pegi usha2 souvenir..masuk la this 1 shop..ade gak org yg ckp malay..owh murah2..u buy this i give u murah2..tanye la mne blajar BM.. kate ade cousin kat malaysia..Oh masjid India..mmg kene shopping cnie r..dia kate x abih2 kate murah2..ye2 nnt saye dtg kasik murah2 eh..haha..after that..we went back to our hotel..Oh yeah..baru sedar pening nk demam nie.. ambik panadol beli air 3-4 botol..teguk la air tu..Jgn demam tgh jalan2!!! x best oh..haha..that night just lepak hotel and tdo..=)..thats all for the day..
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