Wednesday, May 26, 2010

10th Day

10th Day

Our 2nd day in London..where did we go? The Famous Madame tussaude..mesti ter-wow kan?erm..its not that bad..xde la best sgt..well for at least..maybe sbb x minat artist2 nie..some je minat..i actually like the one that look terribly real..ade yg mcm..nmpk mcm patung..x syok ar..nnt tangkap gmbar ade that shine..argh..x best lar..but it depends on people la..if u like it..u like it la..The part where i like the most there is the well..the scream place..where all the killer and execution are there..haa..thats the way i like it..cold-blooded killing..muahahah(jahat gler..)thats is the most interesting place kowt for me kat situ..beside sitting beside obama..kah3..dlm sejam lebyh gak la dlm tu..iman byk la picture cnie..umar..kalo nmpk cm patung..erm..terima kasih je la..

Next stop was London Zoo..I Think tmpt nie lg best kowt..we wen to the zoo by foot through the Reagent's was better than yesterday ..why?Arini gler sronok jalan..ratherr than hot..lawa gak park nie..byk je goose and duck and swan..sje kaco..and also nk tangkap gmbar beside a willow tree..yeah!! Daus paham la nape..(To Firdaus:Tinggal nak cari oak,yew,maple and magic eh?) haha..yeah..its a game thing..and yeah..because im a Nature Lover..keh3..AND because i am a nature Lover..of course i love the zoo..waa..dah la kami dtg je..animal too aktif je..kah3.. and most of the time kitorg sampai2 it was feeding time..haha..we even saw a giant tortoise walk for food...i mean..a GIANT TORTOISE THAT ACTUALLY WALK..kah3..well da x pnh ar dpt tgk kan..ntah r..somehow kat sini dpt more luck with je tgk smua mende kan..kitorang kat dlm Zoo for a whopping 3 hours..woah..ntah ar camne leh lame sgt..kah3..nnt i'll post some pictures..

Haha..Kat sini just nk more into things that i can interact with ..kalo patung2 nie..just doesnt work with peminat2 Madam Tussaude..mintak maaf la..haha..i just like the zoo better..xD..After going to the zoo we went back to Bayswater..ok2..story time..Since we're at London we have been using underground trains a.k.a tube.. yang x boley blah nyer iman la..asyik x puas atie je umar turun naik tren...umar taw la mane tren perlu trun n naik..god..from the 1st day lg..ade je x puas atie..well..i got u back to the hotel didnt i?..adey..tadi balik dah la rush hour way im staying in that train..men2 tukar2 tren skali dpt tren kosong kan..lege ckit kaki xyah diri..adey..maklumla slaly men2 train kat Malaysia..haha..mmg da reti la bace map train..bak kate iman..She knows the place..i know how to get there..haha..
lepas balik..makan..haha..Ayah da suruh wat blog..ape lg..menulis je la lepas tuh..
THis time umar tulis dulu sebab kalau iman tulis dulu..umar xde mood nak tulis ape da..thats why kasik link je last time..sbb iman da tulis this time i make sure i write 1st rather than more thing wireless kat hotel xde taw..adey..xley nk online..kene pegi brekfest Starbucks la wiFi baby..xD...ok thats alll for now..until then eh mate..(^^,)
