The River steps..woo..
Ok today trip yg agak best ar..where are we going?..erm..Newschwanstein Castle..ha3..why?nantikanlah cerita beta..haha..well first of all..bangun pagi and all and siap2 nak gerak dah..before gerak ambik2 gambar jap around campsite and etc..pastu ade la owner of the place a german guy..borak2 ngan dye..haha..see..i can speak with him..although his english is suckier than mine kan..wahaaha..xD
okay2..enough about that..the journey to caslte Newschwanstein(ntah btol ke x ejaan) but that it is..castle nie dkt ngan austria the place we are camping tonite..castle merupkan inspirasi En. Disney utk membuat disney castle to yg kat disneyland..yg crite2 disney korang tgk kat movie tuh..haa..castle nie la dia dpt inspirasi nak buat castle dia..well that made him famous didnt it..anyway castle nie besar ar..the real castle deal..big..and lawa kowt..but kalo up close x nmpk lawa sgt and x nmpk mcm castle terer placing..u will get a nice picture form here..seryes..checkout the postcard..if at the right place and the right moment mmg pergh ar gambar..kami x masuk castle sbb diorg kate xde pape pn dlm castle and takes time nak explore the freaking big dinasihatkan masuk dalam ar..
The 2nd attraction there is the Mariabrooke..Brooke here beans its marian Bridge..dari sini u can get a good scenery of the castle ambik la byk2..u can also see the water fall and the stream..mmg lawa..u have to see here comes the best part..mase nak turun kami ikot off-road ckit nak pegi ikot laluan tepi sungai..becareful this route is not for kid..because licin + curam..dangerous ckit bawak digalakkan..anyway..kami turun ikot situ mmg cuak gak ar..its like woah..but the scenery was vey nice..gler nice kowt..u have to walk around a big stone..ade bridge diorg buat cantum around the rock ..mmg..ade video la cmne..i cant xplain it how..i have to show u..kalo ade mase and WiFi insyallah tunjuk..mmg a MUST tgk..wahaha...
Then lastly sini ade..tasek near our bus stopped ..tasik dia pn cantik gak..but mase kami da nak sampai situ da nak gerak x byk picture but again im telling u guys..u must follow the stream...xDD..haha..gler xcited ar..haha..After that we're goind to Austria..yes..our campsite..Kat austria nie..the SCENERY gler..dianye mountain mcm lapisan..lapisan ape?starting bawah..tanah..and then pokok..and then at the top guess what?snow..pergh..mmg lawa..haha..our campsite pn beside ngan a scenery of mountain so again..haha..mlm nie..makan Malaysia's famous nasi lemak diorg buat..haha..boley la sedap..kah3..tgh lapar and sejuk bagi ape2 telan je kowt..kah3..after all the xcitement..yeah..ngantok bro..after makan solat tido..and ok kos jgn lupe Charging kat tandas kene ade adapter taw..haha..kalo tak..cmna hampa nak la ..kpd sesape nak pegi..but..mcm kat ireland aritu..ade je bas ade WiFi and ade plug to charge wow gak ar disitu..kalo korang dpt bus cm2 setel masalah2..nak charging smua..nak online pn x susah..haha..ok2 over2 plak disitu..thats form me..assalammuallaikum.. xD
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