Saturday, May 29, 2010

13th Day

Chelsea - Arsenal

ok today is our final day here before the Kelana Convoy (eurotrip) arinie kitorang mmg travel laju just for the sight seeing..Somehow arinie tetiba nmpk banyak gler Melayu..woah..haha..jakon..nie smua yg skali Kelanca Convoy..maybe kowt..but ramai la jmpe melayu arinie..tetibe rase cam local plak..haha..maklumla umar orang England jap)..

Anyway First stop arini was Buckingham palace..Bese2 jer..xley masuk..tangkap gmbr luar gate je la.. datang tyme tu plik gak ar..asal la penuh tmpt neyh..ramai gler yg tunggu for something..tgk2..oh ade changing of guard..oh..just nak tukar2 guard mcm2 diorg buat but..ok la tgk diorg kawat ckit2..ape bende la Command diorg..x bberape nk seryes..full gler tmpt tuh..keliling orang kat Palace tu..haha..dpt gak tangkap a few vids..kalo boley upload laju da upload..but for now..setel with a few pics dulu ok..

Next stop..Chelsea or Chelshi* stadium..sory..anti-chelsea..haha..xD.. pegi la tgk chelsea tu cmne..iman la suke sgt..dia ade satu wall nie mmg khas dia buat utk org tngkap gmbar..ade satu tmpt nie..mcm nk ambik gmbr satu team..pastu ade 1 tmpt duduk..utk kita its look like we are part of the first ade sorg mamat nie xnk gerak2 from that chair..ade a few tourist pegi nk tngkp gambar..ntah la dia x kasik kowt ataw dia nak scam suruh bayar..but..after kitorang da tngkap gmbr kt tmpt len2..ade la guard gi kat diorang...halaw bla r..iman pn gi duduk ambik gambar..haha.. pstu umar plak wat keje giler ckit..dekat stadium Chelsea..tgh agak ramai org la..umar duduk kat kerusi tu..dgn slambenye..haha..angkat cari.. L for loser..iman ambik gambar2 kah3.. nseb bek xde fanatic Chelsea tyme tu..mati oh..haha..but..dpt gmbr tu..letak kat fb nnt..haha..best2..provoke org.. :P..kitorang x masuk stadium sbb admission stadoum 15 pound..haih..sakit tol ar..

Next stadium was..Emirates..yes..Arsenal..Otw gi highbury naik tube taw..pastu there was this two negros..mcm sia*..sry for the languange tp mmg sesuai la..bapak ar..mulut LUCAH GLER kowt..da la point to the Mat Saleh all around(ladies la) diorg wat x pergh..mulut..seryes..mmg paham every single word la..haha..umar just takut dia kaco iman jer..but..xpe2..BodyGuard terbaik neyh..haha..ley jadi Bouncer neyh..kah3..xD..Anyway nak banding tmpt Chelsea and Highbury.. mmg Chelsea kaya la..Highbury nmpk ade masjid..Oo..tmpt dia xde la up sgt..but the stadium was nice...x masuk ambik gmbar kat luar sudah la..xtaw nak masuk kene bayar ke x..tapi ramai je bratur nk gi tour..maybe next time..cite nk gi London dpt la tgk Old Trafford(peminat MU kan) but bendetu kat Manchester ..kami kat London ..mmg x dpt la..haha..Next Time..nak pegi ngan member ku sorang tu..haha..

the two Next stop was not quite my place..erm..mula gi tgk China Town..along nak pegi situ..WoW..1st time nmpk..ade kedai GaY..adey..nk muntah..ade gak la nmpk mamat2 gay neyh..mmg geli ar..mmg kalo nmpk ..u'll know his gay..geli nak shop pn la kat last sampai pn ChinaTown..Baru sedar something mmg ramai Chinese Penang kat cnie..ade jmpe kat Camden Market kat cnie ade..haha..sume mcm ckp malay nk ajak masuk bajet lu ckp mlayu gua nk masuk la..haha..xD..And then pegi The famous Harrods tmpt2 org kaye beli brg..kitorang x masuk la..sbb xde pape pn nk beli..nk cpt pn..esok nk pegi kene siap2 barang..beli slipar..tukar duit..and etc.
and at last kami makan pn Fish & Chip London..haha..xde keje..mcm fish n chip bese la tp up ckit according cost of living cnie..haha..thats for now guys..later k..^_^..


12th Day

Kick Out!

Today is our last stay at Berjaya Eden Park Hotel..sbb hotel nie x kasik tido berpindah la kami ke MSD Hall(Malaysian Studen Department) kat cnie rate tmpt dia satu malam 17++ kot..berbanding other hotels 100++ per night..
and the room quite nice..xtaw ade dorm ke x..but kalo single mcm kitorang..laki n pompuan asing eh..dpt la katil sbijik..and bende2 bese la..but big enuf for one..puas atie TV, Cerek xde ar..ade deposit 10pound meaning jage la kekemasan bilik anda..xD..
Disebabkan check in puku l2.00pm kitorang kene halaw lg..lepak starbuck ar..2jam..update2 blog..skype2 parents and then sedar da pukul 2.00pm adey time flies..starbuck kat cnie dia ade tmpt duduk kat bawah so..sng la nk bukak laptop ade plug skali so..charging xde masalah..xyah beli pape pn..janji da beli kad Starbuck 5 pound tu je la..

After da check in smua..hari xde pape sgt..kami just pegi Camden Market..bukan sebarang market..World Famous!!..haha tp..most of things kat sini for teenagers la...bapak la..kedai Punk..Skin..Hop..kedai cocok sane teenager sronok ah..barang dia pn such as T-shirts..begs..haha..mcm2 la..cetak lucah ade..mencarut2 la..mcm2 diorg nie..jage2 la pocket korang kat cnie yer..sume muke xleh caye jer..keh3..pastu kat cnie ade gak tmpt mkn..waa..antara tmpt2 yg cheapest kat cnie ar..a meal cost about gak la..kalo anda tahu kalo dkt2 city slalu kene 6 pound nk makan perbezaan 2 pound mmg byk..haha..yg best kat cnie bkan ape..mcm2 negare ade ..indian,Malaysian,italian,mexican..disebabkan kami x pergi ke mexico..umar berdekat la nak makan dekat kedai mexican food yg HALAL..byk gak kedai yg halal kat situ..ok la..try je la..tyme tu makan burito..dia kate chilie tu pedas..adey..ape yg pedas xtaw..maybe sebab org kat sini x suke pedas..mmg jrg la mkn dpt rase..erm..ok mende2 dia boley buat kat malaysia smua..ingat nk rase pedas mexico..x dpt gak..nmpknye kene gi mexico lepas nie..haha.. Itali nnt kene try pizza that is a MUST..noted to self..(^^,)

After da jaln2..comparing price..thinking..calculate..baru la kami beli..we buy a few souvenir and plus beli bag..sbb da xde bag kat UTP beli je la satu..haha..nnt balik form euro trip..nk gi lagi kowt..nk beli bawak balik utk u guys(Hopefully..xD..)..A must go Market..pastu..mase kat MSD hall jmpe la this pegawai ke pengarah MARA..gler sempoi..rancak plak tu..haa..dia terkejot la umar ngan iman travel without parent..borak2 sat and then pegi la tgk ape ade kat MSD hall nie..adey..xde pape sgt la..ingat dptla murah..pricing lebyh kurang jer..sedap lg makan kat luar..sory to say..hhhaha.. That is all we did today..haha....Peace out for Now


11th Day

It's all about London..

Ok since da a few days x update terpaksa la pegi starbuck nak menggunakan WiFi beliau..tensen btol london noe. susah nk dpt WiFI free kat starbuck ni pn kene beli kad dyer 5pound..ermm..beli je la..dpt online suda dan mengupdatekan blog..mase nie umar sorang iman ko hotel lagi tgh umar tunggu dia kat starbuck sambil brekpest.

After da siap upload sume..iman pn dtg..then off we go..
Hari was the most tiring day..nape? sbb tetibela arini jalan pecah rekod ar 7 London icon kitorang pi tgk..fuh..mmg penat tp one of the icon is the sure gerenti best..haha..(depends on people)..but i will tell u bout it later on..

1st stop Piccadily Circus(not an actual circus name tmpt jer)..tempat nie they say patut nye ade street performer mcm mime n bla2..but ntah la mayb mcm speakers' corner tu kowt tyme weekend je ade..but its ok..nampak la sign Trafalgar Square..Oo..seems famous..alang2 da dekat bertapak je la ke sane. Sampai sane ..fuh..mmg btol ar famous..byk giler..manusia..theres something about today..ramai gler tour skolah..tour yg bese2 imean penuh la bdak2 memanjat kat trafalgar square tu..kat cnie umar expecting byk pidgeon like in the movies..but..ntah ar..either x sejuk ataw dia baru letak sign DONT FEED THE BIRDS..maybe takut the pidgeon BIG JOB merate2 if u know what i no birds..aww.. ade la..yg patung2 besi2 dok diam situ lame2..u giv him money dia grak2 argh..but..ntah la..x nmpk cam besi btol pn..xD..gerak2 gak..dlm TV bkan maen lg an..haha..ok la..dpt tgk diorg kan..

And then dari situ kita boleh nmpk big ben .. ingt nk naik tren but..ntah la cmne tetibe jalan2 eh..da sampai..haha..dekat gak..bergambar la dg n Uncle ben tu..nmpk cm tgh renovate lg but at lease nmpk la the famous Clock of Big BEn..After that nak pegi London Bridge kalo ikot plan..but ntah la..cari2 tube..xde pn..tibalah kami di satu tunnel nie..WOW..penuh dgn Graffiti..lawa2..profile FB skang tgh letak cpt2 gi tgk sblm tertukar..aha~.. =)..tmpt nie actually mmg dia kasik la bagi kaki artis2 graffiti nie..umar just tompang ambik gmbr je kan..ade sign tulis kat situ THIS IS PLACE IS NOT ONLY FOR GANGSTER BUT utk smua la..haha..lawa2.. jln2 bawah tunnel cm2 pn boleyh puas atie..but the fun dont stop there..

Jmpe pun tube naik la pegi station London Bridge..kluar2..aik..mane bridgenye ntah la..jln2 jap..jmpe cafe halal..makan kebab segera..ok2..jalan2...and then..jeng3.. The place that made my day.. THE LONDON's DUNGEON.. nak crite kat sini naseb baik umar ajak iman masuk cpt2 dpt la 1st in line.. because after kami kluar woah..bratur sampai ke luar dan berbelit ..huh..mmg rezeki..Alhamdulillah disitu.. Dungeon dia bkan ape.. actor dia mmg bersemangat rase real gak ar...pastu ade labrynth(mcm maze ntah btol ke eje nie) nie mmg woah..mane jln best ar..dia tunjuk la yg famous2 Sweeney Todd, Jack the ripper,(this place is not for the weak-hearted) and then mase nk abih ade la ride yg dia nk demonstrate hanging..ride dia mcm ala2 space shot kat Genting Highland tu but it was fun..ternganga besaq kat gmbr2 kat situ diorg je ambik bayar mahal plak xpela..we had fun..although picture kat luar je boley tunjuk..=)..

After kluar pegi la dia famous nursery Song..London Bridge..haha..lawa gak la bende nie somehow..ambik2 la gambar..sape ade duit nk gi exhibition dia boley la ade kat atas tuh..and then just across this bridge ade London tower..well..not much of a tower..kL tower lagi la boley dibanggakan lagi..i mean tower patut tinggi ar..but ntah la mcm another castle jer..admission fee 17pound..pergh money bye2..just ambik gambar kat luar je after that..bapak sakit kaki..make sure good shoes la..kalo sape nk jalan bebanyak..haha..thats all


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

10th Day

10th Day

Our 2nd day in London..where did we go? The Famous Madame tussaude..mesti ter-wow kan?erm..its not that bad..xde la best sgt..well for at least..maybe sbb x minat artist2 nie..some je minat..i actually like the one that look terribly real..ade yg mcm..nmpk mcm patung..x syok ar..nnt tangkap gmbar ade that shine..argh..x best lar..but it depends on people la..if u like it..u like it la..The part where i like the most there is the well..the scream place..where all the killer and execution are there..haa..thats the way i like it..cold-blooded killing..muahahah(jahat gler..)thats is the most interesting place kowt for me kat situ..beside sitting beside obama..kah3..dlm sejam lebyh gak la dlm tu..iman byk la picture cnie..umar..kalo nmpk cm patung..erm..terima kasih je la..

Next stop was London Zoo..I Think tmpt nie lg best kowt..we wen to the zoo by foot through the Reagent's was better than yesterday ..why?Arini gler sronok jalan..ratherr than hot..lawa gak park nie..byk je goose and duck and swan..sje kaco..and also nk tangkap gmbar beside a willow tree..yeah!! Daus paham la nape..(To Firdaus:Tinggal nak cari oak,yew,maple and magic eh?) haha..yeah..its a game thing..and yeah..because im a Nature Lover..keh3..AND because i am a nature Lover..of course i love the zoo..waa..dah la kami dtg je..animal too aktif je..kah3.. and most of the time kitorg sampai2 it was feeding time..haha..we even saw a giant tortoise walk for food...i mean..a GIANT TORTOISE THAT ACTUALLY WALK..kah3..well da x pnh ar dpt tgk kan..ntah r..somehow kat sini dpt more luck with je tgk smua mende kan..kitorang kat dlm Zoo for a whopping 3 hours..woah..ntah ar camne leh lame sgt..kah3..nnt i'll post some pictures..

Haha..Kat sini just nk more into things that i can interact with ..kalo patung2 nie..just doesnt work with peminat2 Madam Tussaude..mintak maaf la..haha..i just like the zoo better..xD..After going to the zoo we went back to Bayswater..ok2..story time..Since we're at London we have been using underground trains a.k.a tube.. yang x boley blah nyer iman la..asyik x puas atie je umar turun naik tren...umar taw la mane tren perlu trun n naik..god..from the 1st day lg..ade je x puas atie..well..i got u back to the hotel didnt i?..adey..tadi balik dah la rush hour way im staying in that train..men2 tukar2 tren skali dpt tren kosong kan..lege ckit kaki xyah diri..adey..maklumla slaly men2 train kat Malaysia..haha..mmg da reti la bace map train..bak kate iman..She knows the place..i know how to get there..haha..
lepas balik..makan..haha..Ayah da suruh wat blog..ape lg..menulis je la lepas tuh..
THis time umar tulis dulu sebab kalau iman tulis dulu..umar xde mood nak tulis ape da..thats why kasik link je last time..sbb iman da tulis this time i make sure i write 1st rather than more thing wireless kat hotel xde taw..adey..xley nk online..kene pegi brekfest Starbucks la wiFi baby..xD...ok thats alll for now..until then eh mate..(^^,)


8th and 9th Day

Off to London

Ok since this day is quite short because we are cathcing the plane to Stansted, London. im going to combine the 2 days(Saje nk buat blog panajng ckit)..and also sebab kita arrive at London about the next day. So it is fair that saye akan gabung 2 hari tu.Enjoy..=)

okay..On the day of the flight.haritu la kami basuh and dry-kan baju tu pakai dryer..nseb bek flight at we got a lot of time..we got out of wani's house at 4pm..took a bus to eyre square and at 5.00pm we took a bus to Shanon airpot.There we awaited oure flight.

After da fly..we arrive at about 11.45pm..haha..what amaze me xde immigresen..theres a passage saying that all flight from dublin and shannon follow the blue just IMMIGRESEN..haha..lega..dah la tyme tu panjan line immigresen..Alhamdulilah..=)..We were so earlly bag2 blom kuar lg ..x)..We went to wait for the bus ..we were taking the 12.40am easybus..and..a conflict starts here..what happen? jeng3..

well ade bus yg suppose dtg pukul 12.20am but didnt show up..bus system kat sini..dia ade driver that is responsible for their own 12.40am bus came first(our bus) he says it is our bus..naik je la..sure la yg orang bus 12.20am marah kan..but the driver was quite strict..smooth je dia kate only 12.40am bus and i will tell what the others should do..I mean..Alhamdulillah jugak la book 12.40am bus..ade la a few guys mengamuk and gaduh mulut ngan bus driver kitorang..driver dgn firm stand..tak cuak lgsg..ingat nak bertumbuk takdela.. our driver call up the office n tanye mane diorg nye bus..rosak kowt..dia nye bos kate "i'll have a chat with him later"..Mmg he held that amanah for the 12.40am passenger..respect gak plak tuh..ingat da nk kene tumbuk..tabik spring we go to Baker Street

Sampai kat baker's street about 1.30am..adey..nseb bek ade street lamp xde la gelap..tgk xde taxi tunggu..da cuak gak ar but situ mmg byk teksi lalu lalang so..lege r..dpt hold one taxi and ask him to take us to our hotel..The Berjaya Eden Park Hotel..Setel registration..fuhh..lege..The room was ok..Not that big..but just nice for the two of us..
after that..enough action for 1 night..(yawn)....ngantuk...its about 2am man.. off we go ZZZzzzZ..Nyte..

A New Day

(yawn)....Morning..adey..pening plak pale bgn pagi..ingat sbb x cukup tido or something..but ntah la..pas mandi bekfest xde plak..Hari ni kami menjelajah London..1st kami cari MSD,Malaysian Student Deparment(haha..bru taw) and Taza the place said to be Kebab yg halal dan sedap..mula2 kami jln2 x tentu arah..masuk kedai beli oyster Card dulu..ade oyster card..sng citer..nk nek tren bas tram..xde masalah sng je nk jln..kami beli Oyster card smpi zone 3..after that jalan2 lg..lupe plak henset ade map..tgk jap..Owh dekat je ngan hotel..kah3..pusing2 jauh2 padahal dekat jer..da taw tmpt..ingt nk chek out restaurant tp..ntah la..kate open gate tutup..(x paham btol)..and then jumpe tmpt kebab tu..x makan la..just nak cari je pn..and then of we go to Marble Arch tmpt nk tunggu Kelana Convoy for euro trip tu..Kami naik la tube..(ala2 LRT Malaysia)..da smpi ambik gmbar kat Marble Arch tu dulu and then Cari Speakers' Corner..Nie tmpt org slalu luah prasaan ckp la ape2 diorg arinie xde pape..slalu weekend speaker's corner is dekat dgn the Park..Oh yeah forgot nk bgtaw..Bapak panas that org2 nie suke..penuh je kat park..lepak2..tido..tanning..playing around..picnic..pantang dpt cahaya matahari mmg penuh..kat Malaysia..panas masuk rumah dow..xde nk lepak kat luar kan..I dont like hot weather..kah3..pi Luar Negara mmg dok expect sejuk jer..kalo bley nk Winter jer..xD..

Lepas da jmpe smua tmpt yg perlu..kami pergi la South Kensington..where all the museum are..such as..Science museum,Museum of Natural History and V&N Museum(whatever this is)..
but the one im interested in is the Museum of natural History..masuk that place..lalu security dulu..waa..pandai dia berbahasa..ntah la dr mane pk guard nie dtg..but..ok la..ape khabar..?blajar ataw melawat..?haha..well i said..No..i dont have any knife in there..x)..Masuk museum tu..Waa.....Dinosaur..pergh..da lame mengidam nk tgk..dpt gak..oOO..jakun gak la dia nye museum form Dinosaur to everything la..terpikir gak..ape la science museum nk tunjuk nnt..haha..The interesting is..dah la Free interesting plak tuh..interactive..simple..and mmg Wow la..mane x puas atie la pegi situ..mcm Malaysia..da la kene bayar(kan?)..and sry to say..x best la..mmg xkan ramai la museum neyh mcm petrosains kowt..bayangkan Free petrosains tp lg best..kan puas atie..dlm 2-3 jam la dlm tuh..besar penat owh..

At last we got out..We went to see Albert Hall..erm..yeah watever..xde pape pn..unless u got a ticket to a show there..then..of we go..back to bayswater..(tmpt kami duduk)dekat situ byk gak la kedai halal so..makan mmg xde je la kat tmpt2 yg halal tu ye..=)..kami ade gak pegi usha2 souvenir..masuk la this 1 shop..ade gak org yg ckp malay..owh murah2..u buy this i give u murah2..tanye la mne blajar BM.. kate ade cousin kat malaysia..Oh masjid India..mmg kene shopping cnie r..dia kate x abih2 kate murah2..ye2 nnt saye dtg kasik murah2 eh..haha..after that..we went back to our hotel..Oh yeah..baru sedar pening nk demam nie.. ambik panadol beli air 3-4 botol..teguk la air tu..Jgn demam tgh jalan2!!! x best oh..haha..that night just lepak hotel and tdo..=)..thats all for the day..


Sunday, May 23, 2010

3-day tour (6th day), 7th day

6th and 7th Day

since iman already did the paper work on her journal..and i dont like 2 days you can read it on iman's jornal..thank you..i'll just post some pics and vids for u guys..x)

Video plik2 wat kat Dublin..enjoy..;)

This is Michael =)..sometime degil..xD..lg2 if u bring food along..


Ape2 lah..xD..

The house we are staying..get in through the back eh..
blah depan rumah landlord..

They say pictures tell a thousand words..what about a video..xD..
conclusion: So..i dont have to tell much..

Peace out

Friday, May 21, 2010

3-day tour (5th Day)

5th Day

Now begins our 5th day journey..haih..penat gak kalo tanggung2 blog neyh..tgh tulis 3 day worth of blogging kowt..kalo tangguh one more day..sakit nak tulis father da blanje smua..tulis saje..=)haha..nnt ley blanje lg kan..haha..anyway...hope you've all enjoy it.. xD.. My english is not as good as the rest of the trying..want good english see their writings( my mom always says.."I is Malay"(mkne mendalam)..haha..

Okay..onwards to the trip to Cannamora a place said to be filled with scenery..well it is..=)..
Today our driver is ... Oopps..i forgot the driver names but kali driver nie very rancak..haha sambil dia crite2 pasal tempat2 tuh..dia nyanyi ckit lagu irish..kali ni i recorded some of his singing and how the irish english slang(loghat) berbunyi nnt ..haha..enjoy it later comment...erm..bahasa irish cam plik je bunyi haha..but i like the irish english slang.. if you know how to cspeak their is quite enjoyable..x)..

Our main stop is the Kylemore Abbey..i will brief the history later on..(wow ley jd tour guide)
before we arrive to kylemore..we had 2 stops that i remembered that was of them is when the driver suddenly stop just for us to get a picture of a kuda and his anak..haha..iman la kami gi la tangkap gambar kuda tu..xde la lawa mane..kuda tu asyik menghlg anak we did not get the picture of the little one..sry ='(.. After we stop to some old village we come across this beautiful stream..seryes lawa..xD...

After that off we go to kylemore Abbey..On the way there..what really makes me like that place is the mountain scenery..pergh..Cantik..dunno why..but i just love mountain..xD..seryes..mcm bukit malaysia x nmpk cm bukit sbb byk sgt we can see the mountain from the kaki bukit sampai ke atas...mmg ntah la..saye suke nak wat cmne kan..trip nie depends on what we like..what we want to like..if ur up for the action..nothing ever happens in ireland..unless you want to get drunk..-_-"..but ireland is very beautiful place..kalau ayah dpt pegi..sure suke la..mmg tempat2 org stock retired..nak cite nye..drpd awal dtg ireland..mmg byk farmer n penternak je..kat mane2 ade kuda, kambing biri2,lembu, ladang gandum...i mean EVERYWHERE..haha..for all those thinking of retiring..this is one of the best place..=)..

Now the journey continues to Kylemore Abbey.. History diringkaskan..nk citenye dulu ade hamba Allah nie name dia Kylemore dia buat setelah the kylemore meninggal.. THE NUNS dtg la and bought the castle for a that time was 45000Pound..and tukar la name Abbey..mcm 'abe' klate...lolx..x)..gitu la dpt namenye..haha..mmg diringkaskan abih2 la..
yes this place is very beautiful..ade Garden..the abbey..ade dia punye mausoleum(kubur) dia xde la lawa..xD...anyway..the place was by the lake..which makes the scenery quite magnificent.. =)..

haha..lawakan x)..boley bla ar..haha..banyak lg gambar..nk la tgk facebook kami ye..
Seperti yg la loghat2 mereka..rakaman nie diambil dlm bas..just to hear how they speak..sry kalau goyang2 la..kami berusaha susah payah mengambil rakamn least i did..iman tido!!Bukti2!! x)

Harap anda berpuas hati dgn gmbar dan rakaman yg disediakan..xD..after smua tu kami stop ke tempat2 yg xde ape2 sgt and then straight back to Galway..=)..That is all for now..

Yours Truly,

3-Day Tour(4th Day)

4th day

Okay.. First of all i would like to say sorry because of about 3 day delay of our blog.. this is due to er..penat weh...tour bapak r..balik dpt bantal because tomorrow is our quite free day. We're only going shopping for souvenir in galway because the day after tomorrow we're off to London no turning back. Hopefully everythings goes as plan.. =)..

So, on our 4th day. Also our 1st bus tour was towards the cliff of Moher(the most exciting place i've been in ireland)Before i continue..smua experience dalam blog is base on my point of view.. what i like..and what i feel..and most important what i REMEMBER.. haha.. different form iman's perspective(CHECK OUT HER JOURNAL EH). So u can only agree with me in each and every case..aha..xD...(Comments and Commend are accepted )...

Continuing on..
As it was our first bus tour, plik gak cmne bus tour nie.. x penah2 lg..well i will tell you what really a bus tour is.. Okay.. we started our adventure at 10.15am. Our driver at was John ....(forgot his last name) he was also our guide..he would tell us the history as we pass by each town each significant place..btw..John love his beer..actually all of ireland love their beer..haha..john kept making jokes involving their beer..quite funny if u actually get what he is saying..(liquor jokes)...Our 1st stop Dunguirie Castle..Wow a castle..mcm besar je eh..x pn..just a small the lake..bile dgr castle nie expect besar jer..but..sry to say..its not that big.. and plz..expect less..haha..they are many castle like this in ireland small ataw maybe diorg x kasik xplore dlm2 lg ..masuk2 ingat pegi la dungeon ..nop..just a garden..and a gift's some pictures..

After stopping for tea and coffee..(but we did not)..we went to the lower Cliff of Moher..
This place was where all the adrenaline rush started going through my vein lolx..Cliff tu xde la tinggi as the actual cliff..because..yes...lower cliff...but it is slightly more exciting than the higher cliff..why?because at the upper cliff ade tembok yg seperate us from the ledge for safety reason so..u dont get to see the edge..because i like cliff and stuff i got closer to the edge..of course safety first..iman being a good sister and all..alamak..marah plak dyer..but cmon..CLIFF KOWT..i manage to get some killing video and pics..well.. for me it is get that close..hati dub dab dub dab..(no wonder iman was worry)..Heres the pics and vids at the lower cliff..enjoy..=)

Ok..lunch your information..we ate at fitz Bar in Doolin..yes..BAR..haha..dont get shock..we didnt drink..we just ate apple pie and some soup chowder.. insyallah halal..confident kene ade..kalau tak haram taw..

At last bout 2.00PM Ireland time..We arrive at the CLIFF OF MOHER ...As expected it was a cliff and was 250m in height and stretch out bout..erm..not sure..28 miles??(silap dgr kowt)
wanie kate it would be cold..because..well..a cliff..but the weather was as the driver said if the weathers nice means the sun is up which mean it was not kinda like the cold..haha..agak peluh la kalo pakai jacket tebal tyme tuh + bawak barang kan..At the cliff ade some musician(pengemis) was playing there..there was an irish whistle, harp, benjo..haha..the harp got more was this boarder that said do not cross it because dia xde penghalang besar2 yg halang but everyone kept crossing did we..i like video posting the video..n some pictures to go with it..

So..after that..a bit more tour on the South side of galway..which is not much..
basically that is most of the part i want to tell u about..x)..haha..

Peace out
P/S :
I think i repaired the First Day post.. (if not, copy& paste the post to microsoft words and change fonts, sry for the inconvenience )


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Third Day

Ok now its official..I have to update the blogspot..why?because iman is doing her life journal to make a book that dad had told her to..So now the journey is from my point of view..which is quite straight to the point really all the key point and destination(in other words short and simple)..but if you like iman's point of view you can always see her post by the link that will be provided and father ask me to write something also -_-" with all this lets begin..

The third day started with well..subuh at 4-5am..Wooo sejuk gler air but after praying trus nyorok bawah slimut haha..Warmth..iman was doing her journal at that time, the long and so called sophisticated. i really woke up at about 9am. Siap mandi smua pakai lotion, lip bump, and ape2 yg perlu..why?because the weather is cool and dry not like malaysia Hot and Damp, kulit cpt kering and akan merekah so careful, nak xnk u have to put lotion.kami turun bawah at about 10am for breakfast before setting off to Galway,ireland.

We set off at about 10.30am..kluar apartment wanie we met this dog..wanie kate if ade jumpe this black & white dog we ask him or his name michael to sit, and that is just what we did. we simply said "Michael SIT!" xD..and he did.. nice dog & he left us alone..=)..we follow the back route of wani's house to head to town but 1st we singgah National University of Ireland. The place that i wanted to go if i did medicine buts thats all in the past we just have to move on..
Heres Some of the pictures..We saw the quadrangle(castle like)WOW! baru cam nmpk kat luar negara an..xD

Next stop is town of Galway, on the way to town ade la this Cathedral. Dgr citer the Cathedral is thee talles building there, compare to all the building in galway, i seem to like it that way xde la semak sgt mcm KL haha..everything just looks neat and tidy =)..At galway kitorang main redah ntah tahu jaln ke x..jmpe la river Gaol River & Friars River, xde ape pn just nmpk some people fishing and ade tmpt where people throw in thei money 1 and 2 about RM4-RM8..thrown just like that..adei..kalo la air x sejuk da terjun ambik da..haha..xD..jk..jk..Kite gi plak kedai spek mate ingat nk beli contact lense but kene ade Doctor nye prescription kalo nak...hmm..Trime kasih jela..and then we bought some chocolate and mineral water for the journey ahead. The objective today is to find a tour for the following days..
ade tmpt for tourist information mmg pergh lengkap ar..trus book kat ctu bayar ha..setel..esok gi some cliff and luse connemara...ok Next stop Salt hill..This is where the action starts..

First of all kami silap tunggu bas route kat situ dia tulis slathill-eyre square-mervere(lpe cm nk eje)tp ingat the right one so i ask iman to ask the driver but..she was so that ntah cmne saye ter-Paid driver to pstu iman tanye..pegi ke x..?xpegi la plak..adoi..but da bayar la driver tu bgtaw la kat mne actually kene tunggu dia kate dia akan gi gak at the bus stop..kami pn turn balik bas and went to the bus stop..we thought then..adey..nk bayar lagi?dah xde duit pecah neyh..and then we quarrel a bit..x ckp skjap..yeah..i admit la mistake bayar awal sgt..but she was so slow..argh...tension..but like the cab driver b4 this they were quite nice people why?
bila kami gi tunggu kat bas station yg sepatutnye..1st bas lalu ok its not the driver dia kate he will be there at 12minute past 2..bile yg 1st one lalu ingat dia tpu or something..but i said he was nice he was on the 12minute past 2 remembered us and lets us ride for free(which we already paid ^_^)Alhamdulillah so we stop quarelling ahaha..Brother and sister conflict..and off we go to salthill to see the seaside..

When we arrive there..i was not expecting it to be SOOOOO COLD..because of sea breeze(bayu laut)wow..the wind keep on blowing..sejuk giler kowt..we made some video while we r here.. i did also tested the water..pergh..sejuk gler..ps2 ade this one mat saleh(girl) lek je berenang kat dlm laut tu..WOW!!haha..amazed..

After we da abih kat situ we went for some hot drinks..Hot Chocolate and cappuccino..really hit the spot..we took a bus back to eyre square and went to makan some turkish delicacy(Square Grill)tmpt ni wanie kate halal so..makan saja..
bapak sedap but agak pricy..but paham2 la high standerd..B4 kami balik Rumah wanie kami lawat 2euro shop where everythings is two euro we bought a card reader sbb nk transfer gmbr..baru korg dpt tgk smua gambar an ahaha..xD..Heres some of the quite funny pics..xD
enjoy!!after sampai kat umah faham2 la..kemas2..mandi..ready nk tido..BUAT BLOG!!IMPORTANT!!arahan En. Dimyati.. =)..

The Morning of the Overnight in Stansted Airport

Today's post is about the flight to Ireland and etc. To continue on to read, pergi la livejournal Iman. Sian livejournal Iman tak diusik. ( : My journal is here.

Ucapan dari Umar

Ucapan dari Iman
P/S: Last skali tu, Umar punya mistake! ( :

Monday, May 17, 2010

First Day

Taking Off!

I have you all know that I’m writing this in the airplane because I’m bored and I can’t sleep. It’s been six hours of flight and according to Malaysia’s time it’s already 10.40pm or something. To dad, I already took my medication (I’m having a cold). I’m feeling A-okay. Still, even hours after that I cannot sleep. As explained earlier, I’m bored ergo, I write. OK. Here’s the story. So, we woke up around 9.00am or so (Umar woke up much later) to get ready for our flight to London-Ireland. Nothing much there, siap-ing here and there. Said our goodbyes to Pah Yong and Ihsan the Big Bro (he was sick, poor him) and off we go to KLCC. Yes, next station KLCC. Not because my parents were too cruel that they send us off using Rapid LRT (betul laa kn?) in KLCC, but they we’re being concerned parents because I wasn’t wearing the appropriate shoes. We went shoe hunting. A water-proof shoe. And stocking’s. Though we side-tracked a bit at Auntie Anne’s. Found the shoe in Isetan. A Hi-Tech brand high cut sorta boot shoes. Wait, before that, I forgot to tell that my Mak Su called me and said goodbye and expected us to do some surveying and buy her t-shirts. To Mak Su, if you read this, well, don’t expect much from us from the ole-ole department, we are on vacation. ( :

After KLCC is done, we zoomed off to LCCT. Yup, we are taking AirAsia X. A short ride there and Umar is already ZZZZ’s, geram betul. Once we reach the airport, we check-in using the kiosk, for those who do not know, now AirAsia provides variety of ways to check in. After getting our boarding pass, we went to check-in our luggage. Combined weights of our bags were 24.5kg, if I’m not mistaken. Kewl rite? We got half more to fill. We were actually early. We did our prayers first at Petronas. Well, I did wanted to, but somehow both the men and women prayer were one unit. ??? So, back we go to LCCT where we went to the Coffee Bean. A bit of lunch. I had a few bites of Syirah’s lasagne. After that I went to solat. I doa for the best outcome from this trip and a safe journey to and back. Insya-Allah. After my solat we went to board the plane, so we had to go to a few counters. Took a few photos (dad did, dia kena practice guna DSLR) before boarding. The AirAsia crews check our tickets for going to London and coming back from London. Next, we went up an escalator. This time for immigration. Okay, let’s get this straight. We’re newbies when it comes to going overseas via flight on our OWN. There were a few row of counters ar immigration, in our heads, apa yang ingat adalah apa yang orang2 kat bawah tadi cakap. T18. T18. T18. Kita pun pergi la kaunter 18. CLOSED. Okay…. Nasib ada orang imigresen yang baik and tegur kami. Bila pandang sign FOREIGN PASSPORT and MALAYSIAN PASSPORT. Oh, ok. It happens when you follow the flow. Foreign Passport punya line lagi panjang. Malaysian Passport punya almost nil.

We did not go through a cop2 process. Just scanned using a machine. Pergh. Malaysia Maju 2010. Next, the cabin baggage scanning process and a body pat down. It took only a few minutes. What took us by surprise was that, tiba-tiba through the airport intercom my name and Umar’s name was said. WHAT????? Kenapa??? Jeng…jeng…jeng. “These passengers are the last to board the plane to London-Stansted”. Wah! Lintang-pukang kami lari. We ran while our eyes were roaming to find Terminal T18 (baru tau sbb bc signboard). Tahu panic takut miss flight. Rasa cuak + glamer sbb kena final call. Anyways, we ran, turun escalator and found Platform 9¾! …..

Kidding! Mentang-mentang nak gi London, buat lawak Harry Potter pulak. We found Terminal T18 gave our boarding pass (a few people jugak check) and went to find our plane. Rupa-rupanya ada dua lagi couple yang dapat the final call. Sempat chat dengan one elderly couple. She was laughing and told me she hoped we didn’t miss the flight. By her accent, I think she was British. A few AirAsia’s crew showed us the way. We we’re laughing at that time. Also at that time my dad called, talk for a bit then had to hang up because one of the crew told me to switch off my phone. I did. Masuk saja plane, wow, lots and lots of Europeans. Blondes here and there. Tall people. We were in the almost very back. So, tengok laa semua jenis orang. Got to our seats. Front, back and Umar’s sides all were foreigners. Hahaha. Belum sampai London, dah rasa macam orang asing.

Take off was okay. I was worried at first, because my ear is infected due to my cold. Thankfully, I am much better and my ear popping wasn’t that bad. We ate chicken briyani on the plane. Umar before makan tido, after makan pun tido. Mana tak dengki. I cannot sleep. Arghhhh. So, I watched outside, see clouds and sky. Mcm2 jenis clouds ada. I took photo here and there. My handphone was out already. So, NO MUSIC. ( All the time (while Umar was tido, urgghh, jeles) I was watching outside. Mostly there are clouds (almost put clowns), occasionally the ocean, but one stretch there was land. I think it sorta look like rocky mountains with snowy caps that leads to a desert? I dunno. I wish there was somebody commentating on what we pass over, anything interesting that is. Even location is fine. I mean wouldn’t it be awesome if the captain suddenly said “Right now we are passing over China” or something like that. Kewl rite? I didn’t go to China but I passed over it. Hehehe. (After this thought pop into my head, terus bukak laptop Umar and ramble..ramble..ramble, nie sebenarnya puncanya bkk laptop)

Okay. That’s all of my ramblings for now. I think I wanna check out the plane’s toilet. Then, perhaps I have a story to tell. After the toilet, I will try to go to sleep. I think there is about 5 hours of flight time left. Buh-bye for now.

(Saving this on MS Off 03, at 11.53pm Malaysian time, coz luar plane mcm lewat petang dekat nak Maghrib)

- Iman


haha..ape2 la iman merapu kat atas tu..
okay2 my turn to write..ok..this is my 1st submission to a blog i hope im doing it right..
Okay bout 10.00pm London time bout 5am KL time..kami pn dekat nk sampai..
Mase the plane descends bapak telinga sakit..xpe2..naseb bek ade
chewing gum..chew3..telan air li*r..lega..
As we about to land..counting the safely..
Alhamdulillah..nothing bad happen..lega da sampai..after 13HOURS of light!!
My god..lame btol..nseb bek x sedar..(mane x.. tido jer..xP)..
Ok after the flight attendant saying what they have to say..which i only heard the
part bout all being 10 degrees celcius outside..wait..10 degrees?
lagi sejuk dr kat rumah air cond psg 16!..kami duk blakang tyme tu..lepak2 la jap..
pastu pintu terbukak..mula2..ok..watever..then..dia bukak pintu blakang gak..
terase sejuk dia..OOooo...CooLll~ ahaha..dpt merase takat tu je la baru..
dlm airpot plak not as cool as outside which im still wondering how is it..(gile Jakon)
After kami dah arrive..kene ambik train to terminal..which took bout less then 5 minutes..and off we go to...jeng...jeng..jeng..(the part i hate the most)..immigresen..
my name being umar islam and all..erm..sng cite cam cuak ar..but..ibu kate..bace a zikir she gave to me for ketenangan..i'll paste the zikir if i found them somewhere..ive been using it for all exams and alhamdulillah it calms me down..and this time hoping everything will go Did..Although it took a while quieng..Ok la not so bad..mase beratur tu kasik la msg kat father kate da sampai..and then mintak alamat hotel and MSD(Malaysian...S...D..(feel in the blanks..xtaw lar))tmpt kami akan stay nnt..the immigresen guy was nice..haha..then..we collect our bags..and thought for a while..mane nak kluar nie..pikir2 jap..iman gi wait outside a while..After that trus je redah entrance with the sigh NOTHING TO DECLARE cause seryesly xnak declare pape pun..xD..masuk ingat kene la scan2 ..Oh..xde plak..trus je laju kuar..fuh..lega..
Now nak cari port nk merempat aka being a hobo..not a hobo actually..bersepah je org tido merata2..mula2 ingat nak something they call a common prayer room..xdak then we come a cross a chapel..ingat nk masuk solat r dalm closed at 23:00
it was already 23:30 at the time mencari port..okay2..tip nak cari port tempat yg x too crowdy and luas ckit..jgn segan silu..letak bag lepak least that is what we did..coz all the krusi2 are fully book..ceh..baru nk tido lena..tgk2 x bley..
After da jumpa port lepak..well..its time to pray..I know what ur all thinking..solat ktne qiblat cmne? well..theres a thing we call my case..ade watch my father kasik..which tunjuk qiblat..Gambar dibawah menunjukkan compass tersebut..=)..
pstu cari blik air ambik la air smayang..Mat Saleh stok usha plik je mamat neyh(aku ar) xpe chill..and then..the praying part..first2..sbb tmpt terbuka kan..mesti org pndang plik cam bajet segan la for a balik..nak malu ngan diorg..?ataw nk malu ngan Allah?..Takut diorg?or takut Allah? Once u get the correct thinking into ur mind..forget it just pray..=)..Alhamdulillah we did..and time to sleep..Iman sleep 1st dia x tidoq dlm plane kan and ntah ape la dia makan yg saye x mkn dlm plane..dia ade masalah digestion(if u know i mean)not that bad la..hopefully..well about me..x tdo? mcm da tdo lame..jage la bag2 jap..iman pn sakit perut..jd pak guard jap..da bese jd brung hantu..xD...Tgh rajin tulis blog time to sleep..but..the battery almost reaches zero..nk xnak kene tutup gak..until next time guys..chow~ ...x)

P/S: lupe plak..kami tdo kat airport sbb nk tunggu flight to Ireland at 8am London Tyme..=)


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Preparation for a Long Journey

It's 12.21am. Yes, in the morning! We just finished packing our bags. My bag, that goes into the cargo only weight's around 10kg. Wow. Well, I guess because most of the loads, I put it on my brother. Hahaha. He's the guy afterall. We packed clothes, meds, food and etc. Clothes as minimum as possible and went through mum's audit. : ) Tomorrow, well today, will be the day of our flight. Our flight is around 3pm. I'm a bit apprehensive about going overseas. Especially with just the two of us. We must really depend on each other, look out and take care of each other. Trust in each other. We pray for the best and may Allah s.w.t. bless us on our journey.

The purpose of this journey is to learn, explore and discover. Learning new things, gain more insight and hopefully achieve something to improve and make ourselves a better person. Pray for us and follow us on this journey across Europe.

- Iman