Taking Off!
I have you all know that I’m writing this in the airplane because I’m bored and I can’t sleep. It’s been six hours of flight and according to Malaysia’s time it’s already 10.40pm or something. To dad, I already took my medication (I’m having a cold). I’m feeling A-okay. Still, even hours after that I cannot sleep. As explained earlier, I’m bored ergo, I write. OK. Here’s the story. So, we woke up around 9.00am or so (Umar woke up much later) to get ready for our flight to London-Ireland. Nothing much there, siap-ing here and there. Said our goodbyes to Pah Yong and Ihsan the Big Bro (he was sick, poor him) and off we go to KLCC. Yes, next station KLCC. Not because my parents were too cruel that they send us off using Rapid LRT (betul laa kn?) in KLCC, but they we’re being concerned parents because I wasn’t wearing the appropriate shoes. We went shoe hunting. A water-proof shoe. And stocking’s. Though we side-tracked a bit at Auntie Anne’s. Found the shoe in Isetan. A Hi-Tech brand high cut sorta boot shoes. Wait, before that, I forgot to tell that my Mak Su called me and said goodbye and expected us to do some surveying and buy her t-shirts. To Mak Su, if you read this, well, don’t expect much from us from the ole-ole department, we are on vacation. ( :
After KLCC is done, we zoomed off to LCCT. Yup, we are taking AirAsia X. A short ride there and Umar is already ZZZZ’s, geram betul. Once we reach the airport, we check-in using the kiosk, for those who do not know, now AirAsia provides variety of ways to check in. After getting our boarding pass, we went to check-in our luggage. Combined weights of our bags were 24.5kg, if I’m not mistaken. Kewl rite? We got half more to fill. We were actually early. We did our prayers first at Petronas. Well, I did wanted to, but somehow both the men and women prayer were one unit. ??? So, back we go to LCCT where we went to the Coffee Bean. A bit of lunch. I had a few bites of Syirah’s lasagne. After that I went to solat. I doa for the best outcome from this trip and a safe journey to and back. Insya-Allah. After my solat we went to board the plane, so we had to go to a few counters. Took a few photos (dad did, dia kena practice guna DSLR) before boarding. The AirAsia crews check our tickets for going to London and coming back from London. Next, we went up an escalator. This time for immigration. Okay, let’s get this straight. We’re newbies when it comes to going overseas via flight on our OWN. There were a few row of counters ar immigration, in our heads, apa yang ingat adalah apa yang orang2 kat bawah tadi cakap. T18. T18. T18. Kita pun pergi la kaunter 18. CLOSED. Okay…. Nasib ada orang imigresen yang baik and tegur kami. Bila pandang sign FOREIGN PASSPORT and MALAYSIAN PASSPORT. Oh, ok. It happens when you follow the flow. Foreign Passport punya line lagi panjang. Malaysian Passport punya almost nil.
We did not go through a cop2 process. Just scanned using a machine. Pergh. Malaysia Maju 2010. Next, the cabin baggage scanning process and a body pat down. It took only a few minutes. What took us by surprise was that, tiba-tiba through the airport intercom my name and Umar’s name was said. WHAT????? Kenapa??? Jeng…jeng…jeng. “These passengers are the last to board the plane to London-Stansted”. Wah! Lintang-pukang kami lari. We ran while our eyes were roaming to find Terminal T18 (baru tau sbb bc signboard). Tahu panic takut miss flight. Rasa cuak + glamer sbb kena final call. Anyways, we ran, turun escalator and found Platform 9¾! …..
Kidding! Mentang-mentang nak gi London, buat lawak Harry Potter pulak. We found Terminal T18 gave our boarding pass (a few people jugak check) and went to find our plane. Rupa-rupanya ada dua lagi couple yang dapat the final call. Sempat chat dengan one elderly couple. She was laughing and told me she hoped we didn’t miss the flight. By her accent, I think she was British. A few AirAsia’s crew showed us the way. We we’re laughing at that time. Also at that time my dad called, talk for a bit then had to hang up because one of the crew told me to switch off my phone. I did. Masuk saja plane, wow, lots and lots of Europeans. Blondes here and there. Tall people. We were in the almost very back. So, tengok laa semua jenis orang. Got to our seats. Front, back and Umar’s sides all were foreigners. Hahaha. Belum sampai London, dah rasa macam orang asing.
Take off was okay. I was worried at first, because my ear is infected due to my cold. Thankfully, I am much better and my ear popping wasn’t that bad. We ate chicken briyani on the plane. Umar before makan tido, after makan pun tido. Mana tak dengki. I cannot sleep. Arghhhh. So, I watched outside, see clouds and sky. Mcm2 jenis clouds ada. I took photo here and there. My handphone was out already. So, NO MUSIC. (hint.hint.dad.nudge.nudge.ipod) All the time (while Umar was tido, urgghh, jeles) I was watching outside. Mostly there are clouds (almost put clowns), occasionally the ocean, but one stretch there was land. I think it sorta look like rocky mountains with snowy caps that leads to a desert? I dunno. I wish there was somebody commentating on what we pass over, anything interesting that is. Even location is fine. I mean wouldn’t it be awesome if the captain suddenly said “Right now we are passing over China” or something like that. Kewl rite? I didn’t go to China but I passed over it. Hehehe. (After this thought pop into my head, terus bukak laptop Umar and ramble..ramble..ramble, nie sebenarnya puncanya bkk laptop)
Okay. That’s all of my ramblings for now. I think I wanna check out the plane’s toilet. Then, perhaps I have a story to tell. After the toilet, I will try to go to sleep. I think there is about 5 hours of flight time left. Buh-bye for now.
(Saving this on MS Off 03, at 11.53pm Malaysian time, coz luar plane mcm lewat petang dekat nak Maghrib)
- Iman
haha..ape2 la iman merapu kat atas tu..
okay2 my turn to write..ok..this is my 1st submission to a blog i hope im doing it right..
Okay bout 10.00pm London time bout 5am KL time..kami pn dekat nk sampai..
Mase the plane descends bapak telinga sakit..xpe2..naseb bek ade
chewing gum..chew3..telan air li*r..lega..
As we about to land..counting the seconds..gedebuk...wah...land safely..
Alhamdulillah..nothing bad happen..lega da sampai..after 13HOURS of light!!
My god..lame btol..nseb bek x sedar..(mane x.. tido jer..xP)..
Ok after the flight attendant saying what they have to say..which i only heard the
part bout all being 10 degrees celcius outside..wait..10 degrees?
lagi sejuk dr kat rumah air cond psg 16!..kami duk blakang tyme tu..lepak2 la jap..
pastu pintu terbukak..mula2..ok..watever..then..dia bukak pintu blakang gak..
terase sejuk dia..OOooo...CooLll~ ahaha..dpt merase takat tu je la baru..
dlm airpot plak not as cool as outside which im still wondering how is it..(gile Jakon)
After kami dah arrive..kene ambik train to terminal..which took bout less then 5 minutes..and off we go to...jeng...jeng..jeng..(the part i hate the most)..immigresen..
my name being umar islam and all..erm..sng cite cam cuak ar..but..ibu kate..bace a zikir she gave to me for ketenangan..i'll paste the zikir if i found them somewhere..ive been using it for all exams and alhamdulillah it works..it calms me down..and this time hoping everything will go smoothly..and..it Did..Although it took a while quieng..Ok la not so bad..mase beratur tu kasik la msg kat father kate da sampai..and then mintak alamat hotel and MSD(Malaysian...S...D..(feel in the blanks..xtaw lar))tmpt kami akan stay nnt..the immigresen guy was nice..haha..then..we collect our bags..and thought for a while..mane nak kluar nie..pikir2 jap..iman gi tandas..so..i wait outside a while..After that trus je redah entrance with the sigh NOTHING TO DECLARE cause seryesly xnak declare pape pun..xD..masuk ingat kene la scan2 ..Oh..xde plak..trus je laju kuar..fuh..lega..
Now nak cari port nk merempat aka being a hobo..not a hobo actually..bersepah je org tido merata2..mula2 ingat nak something they call a common prayer room..xdak pun..an then we come a cross a chapel..ingat nk masuk solat r dalm tu..unfortunately..it closed at 23:00
it was already 23:30 at the time being..so..truskan mencari port..okay2..tip nak cari port lepak..gi tempat yg x too crowdy and luas ckit..jgn segan silu..letak bag lepak saja..er..at least that is what we did..coz all the krusi2 are fully book..ceh..baru nk tido lena..tgk2 x bley..
After da jumpa port lepak..well..its time to pray..I know what ur all thinking..solat ktne qiblat cmne? well..theres a thing we call compass..in my case..ade watch my father kasik..which tunjuk qiblat..Gambar dibawah menunjukkan compass tersebut..=)..
pstu cari blik air ambik la air smayang..Mat Saleh stok usha plik je mamat neyh(aku ar)..tp xpe chill..and then..the praying part..first2..sbb tmpt terbuka kan..mesti org pndang plik kan..so cam bajet segan la for a while...tp..pikir2 balik..nak malu ngan diorg..?ataw nk malu ngan Allah?..Takut diorg?or takut Allah? Once u get the correct thinking into ur mind..forget it all..an just pray..=)..Alhamdulillah we did..and time to sleep..Iman sleep 1st dia x tidoq dlm plane kan and ntah ape la dia makan yg saye x mkn dlm plane..dia ade masalah digestion(if u know i mean)not that bad la..hopefully..well about me..x tdo? mcm da tdo lame..jage la bag2 jap..iman pn sakit perut..jd pak guard jap..da bese jd brung hantu..xD...Tgh rajin tulis blog neyh..haha..no time to sleep..but..the battery almost reaches zero..nk xnak kene tutup gak..until next time guys..chow~ ...x)
P/S: lupe plak..kami tdo kat airport sbb nk tunggu flight to Ireland at 8am London Tyme..=)